
[心语] good men


good men

     Last night i chated with Mr Wang on MSN, who has worked several years in exclusively foreign-founded enterprise. He gave me a chance to practice english ,and complimented me that my english foundation is good. He also gave me suggestions about english listening and speaking. I respect him, as he has experienced a lot and lives a happy life now. So, he is deserved to be regarded as a good man. We are not familiar with each other, but he helped me a lot. He said he has several big issues to settle in 2011, buying house, preparing for the kid, going to the New Zealand with his wife during vacation, holding the mandarin trainning class. May his dreams come true!     Another one, my Mr Li came back after a bussiness trip in Haiyan tonight. At the first, he messenged me for a while when he was on the subway, and when i called back , just found his cellphone had been powered off.Several minutes later, he called me. At that moment, i knew why he messeged me, and appreciated him for his care.As his cellpone just has one battery, in order to give me a call, he charged his cellpone for several minutes right after he came back home. Yes, he cares me! He is a good man too!
       I am honored to make friends with these men. It is them that make me bravery and happy.
  • jeafy20111 金币 +14 so, please be a happy man and wish you a 2011-10-15 19:31
  • 逍遥 金币 +14 真的很不错人哦。 2011-10-15 17:11



living for ever

逍遥(2011-10-15 17:12): 笑也是一天 哭也是一天为什么 为什么不开心过每一天?
The program of cctv 9 tonight, which was about the stories between the chinese and the russian, left a deep impression on me.I haven't so emotional like tonight for a long time.Each story could touch the hearts and sparkled out the most value of life such as love, friendship,trust and etc.

       The world is still full of love, although i have been told more than once that it is difficult to find something valuable.The world is not  heartless if you  contact it with love. This is one important faith everyone should stick to.Only that, you can live an happy life.Take what i experienced today for an example, i should be depressed as the seller was so unreasonable, which reminded someone who hurted me a lot, whereas  i consoled myself  that the price was lower compared with the service.

      Mr Zhou's attitude is worth learning.Smile to life and you can create some that will live for ever.




逍遥(2011-10-15 17:12): 什么事情都有利弊,过度当然就不好了。
Recently, i have wasted much time on the miniblog.Yes, it is interesing ,full of all kinds of information, and the comments are important to help me have a deep look into the society. But, it is luxury for me, as i haven't so much time. it has made me sleep late which has seriesly deteriated my sleeping quality and even my working efficiency. Also, it interruped my plan of reading and doing exercise, and the worst is that i had lied several times for answering the question_“have you done exercise today?”. it is terrible.i have to stop this condition.

       make one plan and stick to it stricktly! don't indulge in miniblog any more!


good, i suggest our SIS001 create a zone to let all the people speak english, so I think SIS can be a international website.




好那人好当啊,是好女人难当,现在社会还真难找GOOD WOMEN


楼主的英文确实很好 在时态 还有许多句式上都运用的很恰当 不过单词量上暂时觉得还是有些欠缺的~~另外 不要给自己太大压力 哈哈 一点点来 你会大放异彩的






  • C大帅 金币 -8 万能回复 2011-12-13 23:04


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