1、Michael Jackson 这场演唱会的主题是王者归来,MJ复活。你看O2 Arena Concert的官方及售票网址是:michaeljacksonlive.com
意思是,Michael Jackson live,什么是live? 包含着两层一次,一个是现场演唱会的意思,还有一个就是杰克逊会在演唱会的时候复活!
michaeljacksonlive.com 的网页标题是 Michael Jackson Live!
演唱会会继续宣布公演,并告知利用高科技方式再现舞王风采,当天开幕,音乐响起,you are notalone,全场灯光全部关闭,会场上空慢慢降下一白色棺木,歌迷以为出于悼念而作的开场,纷纷表示默哀,棺木缓缓的降落在舞台上,突然,盖子突然打开,MJ从里面坐了起来,全场一阵惊呼,随之是死一般的寂静,只见MJ慢慢移出棺木,突然灯光一亮,thriller骤然响起,原来他欺骗了整个世界,就像曾经完场飞翔而去一样,这次他用死亡再次震撼世界!
LONDON (June 30, 2009) – At this time of mourning for Michael Jackson, we are together in our sadness at the loss of one of the greatest entertainers ever.
"The world lost a kind soul who just happened to be the greatest entertainer the world has ever known,” said Randy Phillips, President & CEO, AEG Live. “Since he loved his fans in life, it is incumbent upon us to treat them with the same reverence and respect after his death."
AEG Live (UK) Ltd, concert promoters, announced that full refunds will be available to fans who purchased tickets through authorised agents for any of the 50 Michael Jackson 'This Is It' concerts which were to take place at The O2 Arena in London.
These refunds will include all ticket service charges.
Ticket holders requiring information about receiving a full refund should go to www.michaeljacksonlive.com from Wednesday, July 1, 2009. The refunds will be processed by each of the authorised ticket agencies (e.g. Ticketmaster, Viagogo, See or Ticketline).
It was also announced that fans will have the option to be sent the actual tickets they would have received to attend the shows in lieu of the full refunds which are being offered.
The tickets printed with the special lenticular process, were inspired and designed by Michael Jackson for the fans attending his shows. Images of the specially created tickets will be seen on www.michaeljacksonlive.com. The special offer to receive the actual tickets that the purchaser would have received to attend 'This is It' will remain valid thru 23:59 GMT, August 14, 2009. 作者: frogdaily 时间: 2009-7-1 01:40
另,这几天反思了下为什么对MJ的死如此在意,恐怕是因为如此熟悉的一个人突然离去了,让人感受到了时间流逝的可怕了吧,缅怀MJ,除了缅怀一代king of pop 以外,也在缅怀自己已经无法触及的青春~ 作者: zlm6500 时间: 2009-7-1 03:40